Homeopathy and Conventional Medicine in Compliance
It is our aim to connect different medical and therapeutic methods. As physicians with great responsibility we think homeopathy and conventional medicine not as competitive methods of treating patients but as two paths of thinking combined in a modern integrative medicine.
Michaela Zorzi, MD
General Practitioner, Homeopathy
Anna-Teresa Zorzi, MD
General Practitioner, Homeopathy
Magdalena Zorzi, MD
General Practitioner, Homeopathy
“The physician’s high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure,
as it is termed.”
Samuel Hahnemann
Regards man as a unit of mind, soul and body and its diseases as a combination of these states.
School medicine
School medicine can complement homeopathy and vice versa.
The individual state of mind, soul and body is the starting point for every treatment.
We keep an eye on the patient´s family situation and try to find good solutions together.